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   LT is always working on something, personally or   professionally, whether its spearheading her own   project or collaborating with friends and field experts   on a variety of initiatives.  


Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon

The inaugural international Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon: First Generation Narratives was held on Sunday, November 5, 2023 in honor of the annual national First Generation Celebration Day on November 8. Held virtually, the Edit-A-Thon featured a team of volunteer editors, as well as an undergraduate research assistant from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

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Breonna Taylor

Working in collaboration with WikiEdu, a non profit organization, LT drafted the first-ever Wiki page for Breonna Taylor. Additionally, graduate students enrolled in her spring '23 grad seminar at Santa Clara University were trained on how to write and edit for Wikipedia to address equity gaps in knowledge.

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First-Generation  College Students

Est. 2015

Founder and Admin


Est. 2019

Founder and Steering Committee Member


First-Gen & Juice ®

First-Gen & Juice aims to highlight first-generation college students and public figures in media and pop culture. Since 2018, the Instagram page has featured countless individuals from entertainment, sports, politics, literature, and music, past and present, as well as everyday students and grads.

Creator and Manager


Est. 2018

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