First-generation Professionals in Higher Education: Strategies for the World of Work
by Mary Blanchard Wallace

Framing their chapters in the asset-based lens of cultural capital, the authors approach topics of navigating the field of higher education as first-generation professionals through personal experience as well as evidence-based approaches and strategies. Organized in three sections–Professional Identity, Purposeful Interaction, and Career Path—the book examines concepts such as imposter syndrome, politics, financial literacy, resilience, networking, mentoring, career progression, and more.
Campus Service Workers
Supporting First-Generation Students:
Informal Mentorship and Culturally Relevant Support as Key to Student Success and Retention
edited by Georgina Guzman, La'Tonya Rease Miles, and Stephanie Santos Youngblood
Editor and Contributor

Through case studies, testimonios, interviews with the workers themselves, this collection aims to highlight the myriad ways in which horizontal relationships between campus service staff and first-generation college students may benefit an entire campus community and beyond. Notably, nearly all of the contributors identify as first-generation college graduates; they span the academic pipeline from undergraduate, graduate, faculty, professionals, and student/service workers.
Annotated Bibliography of First-Generation College Students, 2008 -2019
edited by Amy Baldwin and La'Tonya Rease Miles
Senior Editor

A high level annotated bibliography about the first-generation college student experience, this work will bring together research, writings, mass media, and popular culture from 2008-2019.
Digital Leadership in Higher Education:
Purposeful Social Media in a Connected World,
by Josie Ahlquist

Overtime while digital communication platforms and technology tools change, the deep desires of campus communities won’t—a need to belong, find meaning, and the need for higher education leaders to document the value of our institutions to students and stakeholders.
To take on these challenges, this novel asks higher education leaders to personalize tech through an authentic human touch and intent for real connections. Using research, practical examples and active reflection, readers will discover the real-life ROI of social media: relationships.
Remaking the American College Campus: Essays
by Jonathan Silverman

The built and landscaped spaces of colleges and universities radiate and absorb the values of the cultures in which they were created. As economic and political forces exert pressure on administrators and as our understanding of higher education shifts, these spaces can transform dramatically. Focusing on the utopian visions and the dystopian realities of American campus life, this collection of new essays examines campus spaces from the perspective of those who live and work there. Topics include disability, sustainability, first-year writing, underrepresented groups on campus, online education, adjunct labor, and the way profit-driven agendas have shaped colleges and universities.